Define a dormer

Define a dormer


A dormer can be defined for already scaffolded facades. The dormer is placed on an angulared roof area, then the dormer is connected to the existing scaffmax wall. For defining the dormer, always a triangular dormer is used as a placeholder, because the shape is not relevant in this step.


The link between the wall and the dormer can be deleted.
Right-Click on a free area of the scaffolded wall and select delete wall/dormer definition from the context menu. Scaffold the wall again and the dormer will not be included.


  • An existing scaffolding and a roof with a sloping roof surface.


  1. Select Extensions > eC-scaffmax > Define a dormer.
  2. Left click the roof area on which the dormer should be placed.
  3. Edit width and height of the dormer's gable end.
    (Info) Use the maximum values for width and height of the dormer as the scaffolding setup takes these values into account.
  4. Click Accept.
    (Haken) The dormer is dropped on the roof.
  5. Move the dormer on the desired position of the roof area.
    (Info) For example, click on the center of the group and drag the dormer to the center of the roof edge.
  6. Left-click to place the dormer.
  7. Select Extensions > eC-scaffmax > Define the wall plus dormers.
    (Haken) The cursor is shown in orange.
  8. Click on a free area on the already scaffolded wall.
    (Haken) The wall is shown dotted.
  9. Click on a free area on the dormer's gable end.
    (Haken) The dormer's gable end is shown dotted.
  10. Double-click with the left mouse button on the front of the dormer.
    (Haken) The scaffold function is carried out and the scaffold is expanded accordingly.


You defined a dormer for an already scaffolded wall.