Material list - Menubar

Material list - Menubar


IThe following functions are available in the menu:


The menu bar settings are saved in a file and are retained even after scaffmax is closed.


Menu entryDescription
Material output in PDF / Excel

The material list can be output as a PDF, Excel or CSV file. The files are automatically saved in the ProgramData\ec\scaffmax20xx\scaffmax\reports directory.
Depending on the setting in the Parameters menu (see below), the PDF also contains graphics of the wall views.
For each system used, a file with the name Matlist_[system name].csv is saved in the ..\CSV subfolder.

Maximize the SketchUp window, otherwise the graphics in the report could be displayed incorrectly.


Menu entryDescription
system -> structureThe table shows the quantities per wall for the selected scaffolding system.
structure -> systemThe table shows the quantities per scaffolding system for the selected construction phase. To do this, construction phases must exist.


Menu entryDescription
Material Check

You can use this function to check whether all components in the drawing are also included in the material list.

  1. Open the material list and activate the function.
  2. Click the first component in the material list.
    (Haken) The row is marked yellow, in the drawing all components are marked blue.
  3. Click the second component in the material list.
    (Haken) The row is marked yellow, in the drawing all components are marked blue.
    (Haken) All components of the first component in the list are removed from the drawing.
    (Info) If a component is repeatedly selected in the material list, the components are shown in dashed lines in the drawing.
  4. .Go through the list this way.
    (Info) For the last component in the list the drawing should then be empty.
  5. Schließen Sie die Materialliste.Close the material list.
    (Haken) All components are displayed again in the drawing.
    (Info) The option remains activated, deactivate the option if necessary.
with viewsIn the PDF report, the pages with the wall views are displayed in landscape format.
Rotate imagesIn the PDF report, a page with the wall view is created for each wall.

Project Data

Project Ident, Description, customer:

  1. Click one of the three options with the left mouse button.
  2. The scaffmax Infos/Errors dialog is displayed.
  3. Double-click a row in the content column.
  4. The line is highlighted in yellow and an edit field is displayed.
  5. Enter your details, e.g. a project ID.
  6. Click with the left mouse button outside of the edit field but still within the scaffmax Infos/Errors dialog.
  7. Enter the data for all three options in this way.
  8. Click Accept.
  9. The dialog is closed.

The project data is displayed in a report:


The project data are currently not saved permanently.
After closing the file, the data is no longer available and must be entered again.