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The WallData dialog can be called up with the Define Scaffold function. The basic data of a wall can be defined in the dialog:


NameCustom name for each wall for easier identification.
LevelAll walls of the main scaffold are level 0. All walls that begin or end inside another wall must be in a higher level than the level of the original wall!
For example, all walls of a garage annex must be in level 1.


Wall distanceDistance of the scaffold from the wall. This is defined as the distance between the wall and the center of the wall-side ledger or standard. The deck is usually slightly further out from the wall from this point.
Eaves/Ground distanceEaves distance defines the distance of the first deck level below the left eaves. This is important for the position of all scaffold layers relative to the wall as the layer grid of the entire scaffolding is calculated from here, both down and up.
max. roof distanceMaximum roof distance defines the distance between the top deck and the roof edge, that must not be exceeded across the whole field. Otherwise, additional scaffold layers are added until the maximum roof distance has been reached throughout.Therefore, this figure defines the remaining scaffold structure upwards of the eaves.
Ladder access atA ladder access is not usually defined for every wall. On walls where this is required, however, the distance is given from the left edge of the wall in order to define the scaffold field there as a ladder access field. You can enter the various figures in the appropriate boxes in the WallData dialog.


Left projection

If your scaffolding is defined to go around corners, it is crucial to take overlapping into account.The program displays Left projection and Right projection here. If the Left projection option is set to “0”, the type of corner connection to a possible wall adjoining to the left is undefined and left up to the program. If the Right projection option is set to “0”, the type of corner connection relates to a possible wall adjoining to the right.

“0” is the default for both projections. Enter a “+” to build the scaffold over the wall adjoining to the left.
Enter a “-” to build the scaffold back from the wall adjoining to the left.
You can also enter specific distances in this box. These figures relate to the intersection of the two bays – and not to the edge of the building. You can also change projection figures after defining the scaffolding.

Right projection

Round scaffolding

min. circle distance...
Circle mode...
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