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Click Preferences in the scaffmax command bar to display the dialog System Administration.


Language scaffmaxSelect the language for the scaffmax specific dialogs and menus (SketchUp UI is not affected).
Scaffolding systemsSelect your scaffold system. All available systems are sorted alphabetically.
Representation of the components
  • Simple
    The Item List is shown as a tree structure.
  • Simple - 2020
    The Item List is shown as a table that can be filtered according to certain criteria.
Language scaffolding systems

The language for the components in the Item List.


Choose your name from the list of available users.
(Info) The selection is only relevant when registering at scaffmx NETZWERK.


Visualize anchors in report

(Haken) = Enlarges the anchors in the report. We recommend to activate the option to find the anchors easily.

Standard optimization (Module system)
(Info) Only applicable for module systems

(Haken) = After finishing the scaffolding, scaffmax searches and displays positions for optimizations.

Main axis views in report

(Haken) = In the report 4 additional standard views of the building model are displayed: Front, Left, Right and Back.

scaffmax printstyle(Haken) = Colors are reduced in the report to save ink/toner when printing.
View dimension lines after generation(Haken) = Dimension lines are displayed and automatically updated with every scaffolding.
Article list opens at start(Haken) = The Item List is displayed after opening a file.
Measurements standardsSelect which DIN standard for measurements is to be used.
Logo selection

Logo that is displayed in the report.
All logo files saved in the ..\ProgramData\ec\scaffmax20xx\scaffmax\logos folder are displayed in the selection list.



User data of the components

(Haken) = The (changed) values from the Item List are displayed in the material list.

Otherwise, the standard values are displayed in the material list.

Editing the component data

In the Item List addtional columns for Article No., Weight, Price and Time are displayed. The predetermined values can be overwritten.

System download/update

When you start scaffmax for the first time, the scaffolding systems you have licensed are automatically loaded from the server or updated when the manufacturer changes or expands.

Select one of your scaffolding systems in the list and start the download/update with the Download/Update system button.

Download/Update systemStarts the download/update of the scaffolding system selected in the list above.
Download scaffmax update

With this update function, all available updates are first loaded from a server (an active internet connection is required).
Then restart scaffmax to install the updates automatically.
The current version is displayed in the Extensions> eC-scaffmax> About scaffmax dialog, e.g. B. # 0 before any update.

Download user files
  • Load user data for catalogs:
    (Haken) = With this you can adapt the data of the scaffolding systems with your own values.
  • Load footboards:
    (Haken) = You can use this to adapt the corresponding components if you have footboards with your own logo.
  • Load Excel scripts:
    (Haken) = The material list can be exported as an Excel list, which integrated functions can be updated with this.
  • Load TimerApp data::
    (Info) The function will be available soon.



Select your user ID (3 characters) from scaffmx NETZWERK here. All users who belong to the client in scaffmx NETZWERK are available.

Current ClientEnter your scaffmx NETZWERK client here (e.g. STAG demo).
User identificationEnter your scaffmx NETZWERK E-mail adress here.
PasswordEnter your scaffmx NETZWERK password here.
Remember meActivate this option so that you no longer have to log in in the future (log in will then take place automatically).


  • Cancel:
    Close dialog without applying changes.
  • Apply:
    Close dialog with applying changes.
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