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titleVersion scaffmax 2021

The WallData dialog can be called up with the Define Scaffold function. In the dialog, the extensions of a wall can be defined, which are subdivided into the areas of top level, intermediate level, basic level and climpclimbThe available extensions vary depending on the scaffolding system:



Wenn Sie Innenkonsolen oder Zwischenlagen auswählen, müssen Sie den Wandabstand in den Basisdaten ändern. Der Leitergang oder Treppenaufgang wird auch bei den Basisdaten definiert.

Click the plus sign in front of an option to expand it.Confirm your selection by clicking on the appropriate circle.


Klicken Sie auf das Plus-Zeichen vor einer Option, um diese zu erweitern. Bestätigen Sie eine Auswahl, indem Sie auf den entsprechenden Kreis klicken.


If you select inner console or intermediate levels, you have to change the distance to the wall in the basic data.

Top LevelThe top layer of the scaffold (including the top deck).Intermediate levelAll scaffold layers between top level and basic level, adding one deck to each top layer.Basic level

The complete bottom (height 2m) layer of the scaffold plus any compensation layers (height < 2m) plus the entire substructure with sole boards and shanks.



For some scaffolding systems,

passages are available

a passage can be enabled and defined, e. g. Ulma Dorpa or Graf.

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When aligning the layer heights of two walls, the following must be observed:


The position of the layers can be defined with a distance from the eaves or from the ground. All layers created have a distance of 2 m from one another. When aligning the layer heights of two walls, the following must be observed:

In the case of passages, the wall is always defined 'from the ground'. In this case, the program calculates: value of ground + height of passage + n * 2 m for the following layers. Thus, the program saves a calculated value 'from eaves' for positioning.With this information it is now easy to understand that  Therefore, adjusting the layer height of an adjacent wall can only work if the distance in this wall is defined as 'from the eaves'.

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ClimbThe type of climb, e.g. the inside ladder access.