Versionen im Vergleich


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StatuscolourBluetitleVersion scaffmax 2021


In some cases the levels of adjacent walls are incompatible with one another. Therefore the level of an already scaffolded wall can be moved with the function Lay platform higher.



Buildings with different (height) positions of two scaffolded walls.
The position of the scaffolded wall on the right in the picture should be shifted 1 meter upwards moved to the same height as the wall on the left in the picture.

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  • Two walls are already scaffolded.
  • The scaffmax view is  is set to positions  Levels only.


  1. Left-click on the scaffolding to be moved.
    (Haken) The levels are shown with a red frame.
  2. Right click on the levels.
    (Haken) The context menu is displayed.
    Wählen Sie die Funktion Lage um Festwert verschieben.Select the function Lay psition by fixed value.The Move a Level dialog is displayed.
    (Haken) Der Dialog Ein Level verschieben wird angezeigt.
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  3. Geben Sie 1 ein und drücken Sie die Eingabetaste.
    (Info) Um die Lage einen Meter nach unten zu verschieben, geben Sie -1 einSelect Lay platform higher from the context menu.
    (Haken) The levels are shown with a blue frame.
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  4. Left-click on a level on the left wall.


The levels of the right wall have been moved to the same height as the left wall.

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