Changelogs - 2020
Version 2.1.10
- Item and material window corrected so that the list remains fully visible when the size is changed.
Material list corrected again, items in the totals columns 'Areas' and 'Weights' correct. Corrected aborting of the list if the number of layers selected for output does not match the number of walls that have been scaffolded.
Definition of block components (component additions that are not drawn but "calculated" (quantity, weight, time).
Excel list with definable rounding digits (currently set, weights 1 digit, price 2 digits).
New implementation of the calculation of the 'upper left corner' and the calculation of the position of the 'floor'.
The time table in the material list has been expanded to include the individual time value of the component.
Corrected: Download board boards reactivated. Editing in the extended item list.
Corrected: Timer output in the material list can also deal with accent etc.
CZ language file updated.
Version 2.1.9
- System ULMA: translations.
Scaffolding / wall dimension chains are output in fixed 2 places [meters]. Reason: true field lengths can deviate from the specified length (Graf → 2.501 → 2.50).
In the material list, the total areas have been corrected by the proportions of walls without components of the system.
Installation of the 'Material Checker' function in the material list with the 'Material Check' checkbox in the pulldown parameter.
The log file [ec] / _ LogFiles / scaffmax.log shows the scaffmax version with which the drawing was first created.
Selection and invisibility in the material list support the correct selection when displaying a construction section.
Corrections in Excel and PDF output of the material list for component output.
Item window set to minimum height so that the whole list can be scrolled.
Correct display of special characters (e.g. French accents) in the material list.
The material list / Excel and PDF output can be output directly in the selected language by selecting the language (system) in the admin window.
Version 2.1.8
- Material excerpt takes mirrored diagonals into account (probably correction for drawings before 2.1.7).
Input error in "Shift position by fixed value" (comma / point) done.
Purge changed during generation → no more name # n components possible.
Corrected soil calculation when entering a comma (export).
Excel output improved: Article numbers are always displayed correctly, numerical values rounded to 1 decimal place with display of '0' places.
Version 2.1.7
- Corrections in system generation.
Correction in material generation if the component is built up in groups (→ Peri UpEasy internal staircase).
Version 2.1.6
- Older versions could not be evaluated [new model attribute for managing multiple systems]. Fault has been corrected.
Adjustments to the system generation.
Levels are better represented with wall complications.
Version 2.1.5
- Presentation of the levels improved.
control / *. ini files are created again during installation.
Version 2.1.4
- preferences.yml adjusted: new token ': import2020:' → false = old loading of the framework (slow), true = new loading of the framework (fast!).
Change of token ': userdata:' → default = false, will be changed to 'System' (in the local language) when starting, because options in Admin are now 'System', 'User', 'Scaffmax Timer'. A list view for processing the measured time values can now be generated from scaffmax Timer.
Version 1.0.15
- Calibration with only FC tags can be evaluated.
- An existing system folder is deleted before systems are loaded. Initial implementation of material lists according to system → structure and structure → System Admin Panel widened → now without horizontal slider Initial implementation of the it-IT language (→ Tobler) Revision of the material list PDF templates (text scaffolding / construction phase (structure).
- Correction in the material list (evaluation for wall systems only was wrong) System folder not correctly deleted when loading → fixed.
Version 0.9.9
- PDF viewer tests PDF viewer with file already open.